This report will sort by RID, Activity ID and then Establishment Name.Note: • Activity Type is indicated by F for Fatality/Catastrophe, C for Complaint, and R for Referral in the Activity ID Column.• Fatality/Catastrophes UPAs are indicated as Closed when saved Final and Marked as Inspection = N, or Marked as Inspection = Y and related Inspection entered and saved Final.• For each UPA, the earliest inspection (the first one entered in the system) is displayed in the report. * New Prompt for Hazard and Location String Search allows users to get only those records with given search string. Enclose the search string by "%" sign in begining as well as end e.g. to search for "forklift" the prompt value should be "%forklift%. Enter the search string/s ( 3 maximum ) in lowercase only. |