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ohsb/covid19_complaints (MapServer)

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Service Description: The list will contain important details on each activity including the response times for these activities. Legacy cases are excluded. This report will sort by RID, Activity ID and then Establishment Name. Note: • Activity Type is indicated by F for Fatality/Catastrophe, C for Complaint, and R for Referral in the Activity ID Column. • Fatality/Catastrophes UPAs are indicated as Closed when saved Final and Marked as Inspection = N, or Marked as Inspection = Y and related Inspection entered and saved Final. • For each UPA, the earliest inspection (the first one entered in the system) is displayed in the report. * New Prompt for Hazard and Location String Search allows users to get only those records with given search string. Enclose the search string by "%" sign in begining as well as end e.g. to search for "forklift" the prompt value should be "%forklift%. Enter the search string/s ( 3 maximum ) in lowercase only

Map Name: COVID-19 OSHA Data


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Layers: Description: The list will contain important details on each activity including the response times for these activities. Legacy cases are excluded. This report will sort by RID, Activity ID and then Establishment Name. Note: • Activity Type is indicated by F for Fatality/Catastrophe, C for Complaint, and R for Referral in the Activity ID Column. • Fatality/Catastrophes UPAs are indicated as Closed when saved Final and Marked as Inspection = N, or Marked as Inspection = Y and related Inspection entered and saved Final. • For each UPA, the earliest inspection (the first one entered in the system) is displayed in the report. * New Prompt for Hazard and Location String Search allows users to get only those records with given search string. Enclose the search string by "%" sign in begining as well as end e.g. to search for "forklift" the prompt value should be "%forklift%. Enter the search string/s ( 3 maximum ) in lowercase only

Service Item Id: 862f2d0f30db432e91908db31d8ed2e8

Copyright Text: United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Spatial Reference: 102100  (3857)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

Supported Operations:   Export Map   Identify   QueryLegends   QueryDomains   Find   Return Updates